Be Grateful: You are never as alone as you imagine

There is solace in every breeze. Support in the ground below you. Nurturance in every raindrop.

In gratitude for these we will find connection and healing. We are never as alone as we imagine.

There is compassion within the warmth of sunlight. Openness in the sky above you. Peace in the drift of the clouds.

photo of a dandelion against the sky

Even in the humblest of flowers, there is an offer of happiness and a reason for gratitude

In gratitude for these we will find connection and healing. We are never as alone as we imagine.

There is guidance in the arc of the sun’s path.  Steadiness in the light of the stars.  Mystery in the presence of the moon.

In gratitude for these we will find connection and healing. We are never as alone as we imagine.

There is potential waiting to be born in every seed. Courage in every root that ventures out to seek sustenance from the earth. Beauty in every blossom that opens to stretch its petals toward the light.

In gratitude for these we will find connection and healing. We are never as alone as we imagine.

There is a promise held in the sleep of the winter. Faithfulness in the return of spring.  Celebration in the vitality of summer. Generosity in fall’s abundant harvest.

In gratitude for these we will find connection and healing. We are never as alone as we imagine.

Even in an open wound there is potential for tender mercy.  In betrayal: an invitation to forgiveness.  In disasters: a sudden shock of our intimate and unbreakable human bond.

In gratitude for our own power to heal, we affirm our human connection. And we will show those who are hurt, who are betrayed, who are lonely and frightened and in need — that they were never as alone as they imagined.

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