Plan a Party for an Everyday Miracle

Imagine you are party planner. It’s your job to gather people together to joyously celebrate a special occasion. You get to choose the music that will play, the food that will be eaten, the tributes that will be made, and the parting gifts that will be given to the guests that come and join in the celebration.

beautiful fall colors trees

Isn't a beautiful day cause for a celebration?

Isn’t a beautiful day cause for a celebration?Now decide what you will be celebrating. This does not need to be something big that we generally throw parties for.  This can be a small element of your daily life, something so typical and ordinary, something that you see or experience so regularly that you fail to see it as a reason to celebrate.

Who would you invite to the celebration? What music would you play to make the moment seem more special? What food would you cook? What would you inscribe on the cake? What would you say in tribute to this moment in your life?

Feel the joy you would experience at such a party — and the next time you encounter this small (or not so small) ordinary miracle, call to mind this celebration, and the feelings that it brings to your heart!

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